Creative Spotlight: Daniel Moyer Photography
To say that the following person has a LOT of energy is a HUGE understatement. From the first time I met Daniel Moyer from Daniel Moyer Photography, I was incredibly impressed with his super-positive attitude and amazing attention given to his clients and their friends and family. And on top of ALL of that, he’s a hands down wonderful photographer. So ladies and gents, meet Dan…
photo by Joe Craig Photography
Hello. Who are you?
Hi everyone! I am Daniel Moyer, (I go by, Dan, Danny, Dan the Man, some of my friends still call me Danny Boy) Anyway- I am THE photographer at Daniel Moyer Photography. I live just outside Philly in an awesome little suburb known as Glenside, but I regularly photograph weddings all over the east, nationally and internationally!
Who or what got you started in the industry?
I got started in the weddings like most photographers. I loved taking photographs since I was the photo editor for the school news paper in high school and one day just after college a friend asked me to photograph their wedding. I enjoyed it way too much and my very supportive family and girlfriend (now fiancee!) Rachel said I should give it a go – 4 years later – here I am! Blessed beyond all understanding and still loving every day I get to share with each of my couples! I would be doing them a huge disservice to not thank them so I must thank two of my friends, Douglas Benedict and Joe Craig for sharing their knowledge and being so instrumental in helping me build my business in the early days.
Over the past couple years, my imagery had changed and matured. I have learned a TON of new things, became a more confident photographer, carved a little niche for myself, but the one thing that has stayed the same is my motivation. After hearing some photographer horror stories, I’ve realized that all I want to do is give my couples the best experience possible, help them in any way I can leading up to their wedding, and when it comes to their actual wedding day, it’s as simple as this: I just want to show up, create pretty pictures, show my couple a good time, and make them happy. And afterward, I want to create a beautiful album with them that will become a family heirloom. One that will hold all their memories and stand the test of time.
What is your favorite part about being in the wedding world?
That’s easy! Being around happy people on such a highly anticipated emotion filled day! What could be better than spending the day with my couple, and meeting their parents, grandparents, and crazy friends, who all show their support for these two people with enough love to commit the rest of their lives to each other – I’ll take it!
I am a people person – always have been. So when my couples invite me so warmly into their lives to share and capture the quietness of seemingly insignificant private moments, as well as the grand public moments and protect them from their ephemeral nature, that’s what makes goosebumps run up my arms!
Besides weddings, are there any other special events that you service?
While weddings are definitely my specialty, I also really enjoy photographing maternity, babies, and family sessions!
Ok, we all know I’m a big fan of yellow. What’s your favorite color?
Not so much one color, but a color combination. Yellow and blue together in photographs (blue sky and warm yellow lights)… my heavens… I can’t get enough of it!
As a photographer, where do you go to be inspired?
I am constantly reading and looking at magazines to continuously flood my mind with ideas and create a visual arsenal, but I think I am most inspired by friends of mine who are photographers. I have some incredibly talented friends and I think we all kind of push each other to work harder and take our photography to the next level.
Outside the wedding world, I have been following photographers like James Nachtwey, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and the photo groups VII and Magnum Photographers since the beginning of college. Their raw photojournalistic style and attention to detail has always inspired me.
And as odd as it may sound that I draw inspiration from a landscape photographer, Ansel Adams has been the photographer I have looked at and inspired me most. Actually, I had a gorgeous wedding at the base of the Rocky Mountains in October and while I was creating the image below…
I was thinking of “Winter Sunrise from Lone Pine” one of my favorite images of his!
Photo by Ansel Adams
What sets you apart from other fellow photographers?
I have an extremely personal and active approach to photographing my couples’ weddings. For me, there is no better way to photograph than to be immersed in their relationship. I hate the idea of a couple hiring a photographer and then not hearing from them for a year and finally they show up on your wedding day and expect to make you feel comfortable. I am in touch often! I like to grab a cup of coffee or dinner whenever my couple is available or in town. I do my best to help plan, refer other great wedding pros, and work with each couple to create a photo timeline for their day – after all, this is what I do, and I know how long it takes to get the kind of photos my couples hire me for. I want every part of their experience with me to be easy, convenient, and fun!
The point is, that when it comes to a wedding day, I want to have a friendly relationship with my couples – like we are seeing old friends – so they feel comfortable and trust me. If you think about it, I will probably be spending more time with the bride on her wedding day than the groom – so at the very least, she will have to tolerate me! Ha! I have found through experience that when my couples are comfortable with me, when they trust me, when they realize I am just as excited as they are that their wedding day has arrived, I become more than just a vendor or a wedding photographer. That’s when the best photographs are created, the beautiful images you would expect and the extraordinary images you have never dreamed of.
Whether you’re single, married, divorced, widowed… we all have words of advice when it comes to relationships. What is your advice to couples tying the knot?
Wedding Day Advice: This one is important. A relationship and the commitment two people make to each other is the foundation of marriage. Your relationship is supported by all your family and friends. They are all there for you, to celebrate your marriage. Spend time with them and to celebrate with them. Laughter, joy, excitement and tears make great photographs, not centerpieces or the other little details that can often distract couples. Take it all in then, your friends & family, then look at the person you are marrying and allow yourself to get lost in them. I guarantee that will be the perfect wedding.
Relationship Advice: There are many who are better suited to answer this question, but I found this one to be the biggest benefit to my relationship. I am a really big fan of the “5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman (the 5 love languages are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch). Read that book, and apply it. It is such a wonderful and useful book! Figure out what your significant other’s love language is and speak to it. It will work wonders and strengthen any marriage!
“The one who chooses to love will find appropriate ways to express that decision every day.” -Gary Chapman
Aside from weddings, what are some other hobbies/hidden talents/secret powers?
Well… I played drums in a metal band in college that toured the East coast, so I still jam in my basement (as long as Rachel isn’t home). I also really, really, really enjoy nerf guns. When I am not firing suction cup darts at Rachel, I enjoy running, cycling, I will always LOVE mowing the lawn, building things in our house, watching movies, getting together with my couples, and having friends over – just to name a few!
Speaking of superpowers, if you could choose to have any, what would you pick?
I would definitely want to be an animagus (Harry Potter reference) but not any specific animal, I want to be able to turn into any animal I want. That would be amazing!
Finally, how do we connect with you?
My website is: I always welcome phone calls! 610-462-9392. I update my blog ( and Facebook ( all the time so they are great to check for my most up-to-date work!