Wedding Programs Part I: What They Are, Why We Like Them and What To Include

Programs above by Etsy Designer Red Letter Vows

What are wedding programs?

A “wedding program” is a non-must-have item that you can have for guests before the start of your wedding ceremony. If you’ve ever been to a Broadway show, Disney on Ice, or even your niece’s ballet recital, you’ve likely received a program upon entering the theater that tells you what to expect, who’s involved and the order of the “show”. A wedding program serves a very similar function of informing guests of what’s to come.

It can be in the form of a small booklet, sign at the entrance of the ceremony, piece of paper, etc. We’ve also seen them serve double functions as fans, tissues, and so on.

Do we need wedding programs?

Simply put, nope. If your ceremony is less than 30 minutes, it’s not really necessary. If it’s a bit longer or incorporates some readings, special traditions or religious offerings, then it’s best to have one to keep guests aware of what’s going on. Overall, here are some reasons why we really dig them, no matter what your ceremony involves:

  • It’s a great way to welcome your guests.

  • It gives guests something to read or talk about while they’re waiting for your Grande Entrance.

  • It’s a great spot to thank everyone for coming, list those you wish were there, etc.

  • It’s a great way to incorporate some fun facts about you and your partner or just inject some fun (or sassy, formal, smarty-pants, snarky, etc. – whatever you are) personality.

  • If you want guests to share images via a certain social media program or app, it’s a GREAT spot to introduce it.

  • It lets you recognize your family and wedding party (and vendors, if you like).

  • It’s a nice keepsake for your guests.

  • It can serve as something else (maybe it’s also a fan for a hot, outdoor wedding ceremony).

What should it include?

Obviously, you can include everything and anything in your wedding ceremony. But here are some things we’ve seen that works really well (if it fits):

Your Names and Wedding Date – This one is a bit of a given, but it’s important to list because we’ve seen it forgotten. You don’t have to list your full names, unless it’s a formal ceremony. But great for those guests that keep your program as a keepsake.

Ceremony Location – Also, might be a given. Not 100% as necessary but a nice touch for those guests that hang onto them.

Wedding Party Names and Roles – Your program is a great place to list and recognize that are standing up for you at your ceremony. This includes maid of honor, best man, bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girl, ring bearer and so on.

VIP Family Names – This can be tough to put a stopping point on, but I always recommend listing any parents, grandparents and siblings that aren’t in the wedding party. If they are no longer with you or not able to attend, we’ll talk about that in a second.

Order of Ceremony Events – This is especially important for formal or religious ceremonies, but you should list the general order of your ceremony events. For help with this, your coordinator and officiant should be able to give you exactly what you need. Catholic ceremonies have a very specific format so be sure to check with the Church before getting anything printed.

Ceremony Participants – If you have anyone who isn’t in your wedding party who’s taking part in your ceremony, be sure to list them in the program. Participants like gift givers, readers, singers, musicians, etc.

In Memory Of – For those that are no longer with you, a program is a great spot to make note of your thoughts of them and your hope that they’re looking down and smiling on your new chapter.

Those Not Able To Attend – You may be having a destination wedding where a lot of guests won’t be able to be there, or maybe you have some people that just can’t make it. You can mention that you’re celebrating “near and far” and appreciate everyone’s positive thoughts/prayers/etc.

A “Thank You” – Whether you want to thank everyone for coming, your parents, your vendors, or whomever, your program is a GREAT spot to show your gratitude.

Bonus things to include:

Maps and/or Directions – If you’re reception is at a different location than your ceremony, it’s a GREAT little bonus to include some simple directions or even a map to the reception location. At the very least, include the address to the reception location and the start time of the ceremony.

Timeline – We love timelines. It’s really no surprise there. But if you have some room, you can add a mini-timeline for your events of the day. A sample timeline would look like:

4:30pm | Shuttle picks up guests at Hotel

5pm | Cocktail Hour

6pm | Our First Dance and Toasts

6:30pm | Dinner

8:00pm | Cake, coffee and desserts

8:30pm | Dancing until our shoes comes off and then some more dancing!

11:00pm | Shuttle escorts guests back to Hotel

Fun Facts – Depending on the size and formality of your program, consider putting some fun facts about you and your partner and your relationship together. Maybe you had a meet-cute. Maybe your proposal story is one that should be shared. Whatever it is, it’s a great opportunity for guests to read about you while they wait for the festivities to begin.

At the end of the day, it’s a piece of wedding day stationery that you can usually go without but it’s a GREAT way to have some fun and keep your guests “in the loop” on what you have planned and everything that’s involved.


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