What’s the best month to get married in Philadelphia?

Hold up right there, my friend. Before you start to scroll too far, let me start by saying, there is no such thing as a “good” or “bad” month to get married.

Here in Pennsylvania, we’re blessed with experiencing all four seasons and with each season and month comes it’s own set of pros and cons.

There are definitely some months that tend to be more popular than others, for good reason. But as long as you factor all considerations into your decision making, you really can’t go wrong.

Regardless of the month or season you choose, make sure to check for any local events like big festivals or conferences or holidays that may make planning a bit more tricky BEFORE deciding on your official date.


Average high / low temperature: 41° F / 28° F
Sunset between 4:45 PM - 5:30 PM

January is typically the coldest month of the entire year here in the Philadelphia area. In recent years, some of the biggest snow storms all year have happened in January.

Snow doesn’t necessarily mean a “bad” thing for weddings. But you do want to take your guests comfort into high consideration. Are they safe? Are they warm? Are they going to be able to travel?

This is a good month for an all-indoor wedding with minimal travel between locations, including accommodations. The result could be a cozy and romantic setting with all of your favorite guests.

January is also considered “off-season” by several venues. This could mean discounted pricing or lower food and beverage minimums (but not always).

Because of the early sunset time, make sure to plan your timeline closely with your planner and photographer to ensure you’re making the most out of daylight.


Average high / low temperature: 45° F / 30° F
Sunset between 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM

February tends to be pretty similar to January in terms of weather. It’s also often considered to be in the “off-season” so discounts or lower food and beverage minimums may apply.

Due to the popularity of giving flowers for Valentine’s Day, florists are often in higher demand around that weekend and may have limited availability.


Average high / low temperature: 53° F / 37° F
Sunset between 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

March is when we can first start to see warmer days, though they’re more rare. For several venues, March is still considered the “off-season” so discounts or lower food and beverage minimums may apply.

In my opinion, the weather is still far too risky to plan an outdoor event. So make sure to keep your guests’ needs and comfort top of mind when planning.

Depending on the year, keep an eye out for when the Easter holiday falls. Even if you don’t participate in the holiday, your guests and/or vendors may which limits their availability.


Average high / low temperature: 66° F / 47° F
Sunset between 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM

The popular phrase “April showers bring May flowers” is very true here in Philadelphia. While April tends to bring slightly warmer weather and longer days, it also tends to be really wet and rainy.

If you’re planning an April wedding, you should prepare for anything from 30s and snow to 80s and sun. It really can vary so much within this month.

Similar to March, keep an eye out for when the Easter holiday falls in the year you’re considering. Even if you don’t participate in the holiday, your guests and/or vendors may which limits their availability.


Average high / low temperature: 75° F / 57° F
Sunset between 8:00 PM - 8:20 PM

May is one of my favorite months for weddings because the days are longer, the temps are a bit warmer, everyone is excited for the Summer months ahead, and everything is blooming beautifully. Though, that doesn’t mean there aren’t chances for chilly temps and rain.

Be mindful of Mother’s Day weekend as it’s often a very busy time for florists. It’s also prom and graduation season. So you’ll want to book details like accommodations and transportation earlier than normal – especially if you’re getting married near a college campus.

Memorial Day weekend tends to be one of the most popular weekends of the month due to many people having off of work and school on that Monday.


Average high / low temperature: 84° F / 67° F
Sunset between 8:00 PM - 8:30 PM

June is one of the most popular months to get married, so dates tend to be more limited and book up sooner than other months of the year.

Temperatures are hot more consistently and due to the higher temps, there’s higher chances of thunderstorms. On the whole, this shouldn’t affect much if you’ve got a good rain plan. But if you’re planning a tented wedding, you want to be mindful of thunderstorms and your guests’ safety.

June is almost Pride Month which brings a lot of traffic and festivals to the area.

One of the best parts about June is the extra-long days. June days allow for a lot of daylight for photography and time outside in the sunshine.


Average high / low temperature: 89° F / 72° F
Sunset between 8:15 PM - 8:30 PM

July is one of the hottest and most humid months of the year. Many people who are not from the area will often comment that “It’s the humidity that gets you” – and it’s very true. Hot temps are one thing, but high humidity can be extremely uncomfortable for extended periods of time outside.

Shade and air conditioned spaces are must-haves in July.

It’s also one of the buggiest times of the year. If it crawls, flies, bites, or buzzes, it’s out and about living it’s best life in July.

A lot of people tend to travel for the 4th of July holiday, which may or may not work well for your guests. But it’s often a premium date if it falls on a weekend.


Average high / low temperature: 87° F / 70° F
Sunset between 7:30 PM - 8:15 PM

August tends to be just as hot and humid as July. I don’t typically recommend any fully outdoor events in early-to-mid August simply due to the temperature and higher chances of rain and thunderstorms.

The end of the month can see an uptick in hurricane season, though that typically means stronger rain storms, possible flooding, and high winds for Pennsylvania. We thankfully don’t often see the damage that other states see. But hurricane season can affect travel depending on where your guests are coming from.


Average high / low temperature: 80° F / 63° F
Sunset between 6:45 PM - 7:30 PM

September is another popular month for weddings in Pennsylvania, so dates can be limited. The extra-long Labor Day weekend is especially popular.

Keep in mind that many families are going back to school this month so travel may be difficult (or welcome) for some of your guests.

Temperature-wise, this month can start to cool off a bit compared to July and August — especially at night. Though you can still have pretty hot days or pretty chilly days.


Average high / low temperature: 67° F / 52° F
Sunset between 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

October is a very popular month to get married in Pennsylvania, largely due to the peak in the fall foliage towards the beginning to middle of the month.

This is a month where you can just as easily have an 80-degree day as a 40-degree day, but temps are often more comfortable for outdoor events like ceremonies or cocktail hours.

Indigenous Peoples Day weekend is almost always the most popular weekend for the extended three-day weekend.

October is also a really busy time for festivals and markets. So be mindful of planning around additional traffic or blocked off areas.


Average high / low temperature: 56° F / 42° F
Sunset between 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

For some venues, November is the start of the “off-season” so it’s a good month to consider for potential discounts or lower food and beverage minimums.

Be mindful of the Thanksgiving holiday as travel tends to become more congested during that time.

Weather-wise, it’s far more likely to have a cooler day, though warmer days are still possible (just not as likely). So you can totally luck out and have a really comfortable, fall day if Mother Nature stays in your corner.

Some venues will start to decorate for the holidays in November. Be sure to ask about their timing with that if it doesn’t align with your wedding decor preferences.


Average high / low temperature: 46° F / 34° F
Sunset between 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM

‘Tis the season for everyone to be very busy with the holidays, work parties, school events, and visiting family.

Events on holidays like New Years Eve carry a premium and some vendors are not available this time of the year due to traveling or spending time with family.

The days are short and temperatures are cold. But with the right venue, December can be a beautiful month for an intimate and romantic indoor wedding.

*Average temperatures via NOAA based on the time of publication. Sunset times are based on Daylight Savings.


Carolyn and Nick’s Simple and Fun Penn Museum Wedding


Jillian and Tom’s Stone Meadow Gardens Wedding