Wedding Planner Must-Haves: Gear and Gadgets for a Great Wedding Day

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As a wedding planner, my primary goal is to ensure that my clients have a wonderful wedding day, filled with lasting memories and smooth execution. It’s about orchestrating every detail and leading a team of talented vendors, allowing them to excel in their roles to create a beautiful and cohesive event.

However, let's be real — no one can survive on sheer willpower and an endless supply of coffee alone.

To truly provide the best service, it’s crucial for us, as planners, to take care of ourselves and invest in the right tools and gear. By equipping ourselves with the essentials that enhance our comfort, efficiency, and organization, we can show up as our best selves for our clients and vendor partners.

In this post, I'll share some of my favorite must-haves that help me stay prepared and energized throughout the big day.

Spoiler: It's more than just a killer pair of shoes.

Water and Snacks

Water Bottle

Let's start with the basics: hydration. Lugging around a trusty water bottle is non-negotiable.

My personal favorite is the 25oz LARQ Water Bottle. This gem has a built-in filter that lasts for months, letting me refill from just about anywhere — sinks, water fountains, even the occasional sketchy bathroom tap. The water always tastes great, and I can stay hydrated without constantly hunting for a clean source.

For those of you who like your water ice-cold, Larq also makes an insulated version. I own both, but since I'm not a fan of brain-freeze levels of cold, the regular one works just fine for me.


Let's face it: weddings are a marathon, not a sprint. Three square meals? Dream on. I make sure to wolf down something substantial before I leave home, but my next "meal" might not happen until 7 or 8 PM. This is where snacks become lifesavers.

My snack stash usually includes crackers, nut bars*, protein bars, trail mix, dried fruit, or jerky.

*Pro tip: Check for any major allergies among the VIPs or vendor team before bringing anything containing nuts.

But let me tell you about my secret weapon: meal replacement shakes.

Specifically, Kate Farms shakes.

They taste fantastic (chocolate is my go-to) and are easy to gulp down in a hurry. Plus, they’re plant-based, packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals, and free from common allergens like dairy, wheat, soy, fish, or nuts. Perfect for when you need actual fuel on the go.



Everyone has their go-to attire for long days. For me, it’s black dress pants, a black blouse, and sometimes a black blazer. Once I find a top or pair of pants that works REALLY well, I buy multiples and rotate through them. Who cares about repeating outfits when it means one less decision to make?

Above all else, POCKETS are non-negotiable. Whether it’s pants, a dress, or a skirt, IT. MUST. HAVE. POCKETS. If not, a great bum bag (or fanny pack) will be your savior. More on that in a bit.


When it comes to shoes, take my advice and bring MULTIPLE pairs. This strategy is the best way to avoid hobbling around with sore feet the next day. That, and soaking them in warm or icy cold water before bed.

I’m not a heels person — I need to glide through spaces like a ninja. Soft-soled ballet flats or loafers are my jam. Currently, I’m all about Rothy’s and Birdies. I typically bring both and switch shoes midway through the day. If the weather’s iffy, I toss in a third pair to avoid soggy feet all night.

And don't forget a bag to keep them in — unless you want your spare shoes mingling with your snacks (trust me, it’s a bad combo).

Bags and Gear

Emergency Kit Bag

For a wedding planner, being prepared means having a well-stocked emergency kit. For the DPNAK team, our kit, affectionately named “Betty,” is the unsung hero of the wedding day. From safety pins to stain remover, Betty’s got it all.

You can read more about Betty here, and snag a free download of her entire inventory.

Bum Bag or Fanny Pack

While Betty holds the bulk of our crisis-aversion tools, my compact, black fanny pack keeps the essentials within arm’s reach. Safety pins, bobby pins, tissues, bandaids, scissors, and pens — all right where I need them.

Since I wear it most of the day, I keep it light. The Access Sling from Nomatic strikes the perfect balance between compactness and capacity.


All your snacks, water bottle, change of shoes, and layers of clothes need a home. That’s where a solid backpack comes in. Mine is also packed with everything from makeup for touch-ups to disposable toothbrushes and mints. Think of it as my mobile command center, housing everything I need to keep myself fresh and functional throughout the chaos of a wedding day.

After trying several bags over the years, I’ve settled on the Cascade Backpack from Portland Gear. It’s durable and lightweight, which is crucial when you’re lugging it around for 12+ hours. It also strikes the perfect balance between having enough compartments to stay organized and enough open space to throw in last-minute items.

Collapsible Wagon

For those heavy-duty setups or when the decor needs to be moved en masse, my collapsible folding wagon from Vivosun is a game-changer. This isn’t your average wagon; it’s the superhero of wedding logistics. It folds up easily to store in my car, yet it expands to carry a surprisingly large load. The super hefty wheels can handle just about any terrain, from cobblestone paths to grassy lawns, making it indispensable for outdoor venues.

Instead of making multiple trips back and forth carrying organizer bins or loose decor items, we load up this bad boy and can often handle everything in one go.

Another perk? The wagon is a master of disguise. It folds up compactly enough to store under most folding tables, so it’s easy to hide away once the setup is complete. Out of sight, out of mind — until we need it again for the teardown. This little detail helps maintain the seamless, professional appearance we aim for at every event.


iPad Minis with Shoulder-Strap Cases

Goodbye, clipboards and crumpled paper timelines. Each team member now rocks an iPad Mini, the perfect size for holding all the event info without weighing us down.

And thanks to refurbished models with lower memory storage, they’re surprisingly affordable.

To keep them from getting lost, they’re housed in durable shoulder-strap cases. These things take a beating and keep on ticking.

We use GoodNotes to keep documents organized and synced over WiFi.

Walkie Talkies

We’ve experimented with various walkie-talkie systems, and these Motorola DLR1020s are the best yet. No more relying on phones (and looking like we’re texting during a crisis). Communication is instant and professional.

Paired with comfortable over-the-ear headsets, these walkies last all day and still have juice left at the end of the night. Efficiency never looked so good.

Equipped with these essentials, you’ll be ready to tackle any wedding day challenge that comes your way. Whether it’s staying hydrated, keeping snacks on hand, dressing comfortably, or using the right tech, these must-haves will help you stay on top of your game and ensure every event is a success.

This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, you will not pay a penny more, but I’ll receive a small commission. I would recommend these products regardless of the commission.


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